Kristen Dold
And we love figs. So, it goes without saying that we love paninis, too. Grab your press and some naturally-sweet figs to make this perfect weekend treat.
Via CoconutandLime
You Shaved Your What?
Calm down, it's just shaved asparagus. On a pizza. With Parmesan cheese. Ok, fine, don't calm down. Hop on over to see the entire recipe and make one of your own!
Via PinkParsley
You Should Try Egg Salad
We know. Not your favorite. But if you're going to try it, try this sandwich version, which is perfect for people who are "semi-averse to mayonnaise-y salads." Plus, eggs are one of the best superfoods around. It's a win, win.
Via BrownEyedBaker
Stuff It
Your squash, we mean. With marinara, cheese, and breadcrumbs. It's like a much simpler version of eggplant parm, but without the sweating vegetables. Plus, you probably have a lot of these ingredients already in your pantry.
Via ForTheLoveofCooking
We've seen some bizarre YouTube trends come and go, but the latest phenomenon, dubbed "WombTube" is particularly weird. Women are filming themselves taking pregnancy tests and then sharing it with the masses! Check out one popular tearjerker (50,000 + hits!) here. Via Slate
Battle to Breathe-Easy
Spring allergies are beginning to make their (ah choo!) debut, and the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America has ranked the worst allergy spots in the US. (Grab your tissues Knoxville, TN!) Find out if you live in one of these hotspots and put a stop to your sniffles with our tips here. Via AAFA
Treasured Possessions
A new study finds that women would rather go without coffee, chocolate, and SEX before giving up their favorite beauty products! They're even more likely to let airport security take away a pair of shoes or jeans before handing over their makeup. Via PRNewswire
Tags: headlines
Last Updated: April 15, 2011 - 2:28pm
women health tips health guide for women health tips for women female health issues women and health journal
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