Kristen Dold
It's the freshest recipe you've ever seen. And the one most fit for spring. And you get to smash something! Curious, yet? Peas and fava beans with fresh mozz on cibabtta! Grind it, spread it, eat it. YUM.
Via The Cilantropist
The Perfect Picnic
There are regular picnics. And then there are everything-matches-so-beautifully picnics with fresh chickpea and tabouleh salad, individual size spinach tortilla quiche, and pineapple upside down cake balls (those exist!). Not the same. Not even close. Via Hostess with the Mostess
Earth Day Dessert
Try making your panna cotta with agar agar instead of gelatin--it's made from red algae instead of animal collagen (weird yes, but sustainable!). You'll never taste the difference. Try this vanilla coffee Kahlua panna cotta with peanut butter dots! Via Lisa is Cooking
Sex Buzz
Next time you hit your local pharmacy for a gallon of milk and some gum, why not grab a vibrator? The battery-powered pleasure devices, which used to be confined to small sex shops and online sites, now line the shelves at Walgreens and other mainstream drugstores. Via NY Times
CPR U Ready?
People are buzzing about the 9-year-old boy who helped save his little sister?s life by performing CPR on her after she fell into a pool. (He said he picked it up from watching Blackhawk Down!) Would you know what to do in an emergency? Get a speedy tutorial with this quick YouTube video. Via LA Times
What?s Lurking In Your Meat?
You all know that uncooked meat can carry pathogens like salmonella, listeria, and E. coli, but a new study says that almost half of the meat you buy at grocery stores is contaminated with Staph (Staphylococcus aureus) bacteria! Click here for a refresher on food safety measures.
Via Reuters
Tags: headlines
Last Updated: April 22, 2011 - 12:24pm
pregnant women health insurance women and mental health female health health insurance for women health magazine
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