How I Overcame My 50-Year Struggle With Gynecomastia

Before we get started, here's a little story from one of my clients, Sammie Fields.
Hey there I’m Sammie.

I’m in my 70s now and I’m finally enjoying my life as a masculine-looking guy. I struggled with gynecomastia ever since puberty. Back in the day it was totally unheard of for a man to have breasts.

Man boobs were quite a rare thing. If you think having man boobs is bad now, try having them in the 60s. I spent my entire life in fear that someone would notice my breasts. I stayed away from women - I was horrified of the bedroom. I also stayed away from the beach and only got out wearing the thickest of clothing to try and conceal myself.

Back then there was no internet, and no information out there to help me. I tried everything I could to try and get rid of my man boobs. I lost weight and tried different diets but all to no avail.

One day however, just a few years ago I came across a newspaper article.

This article complained of how male fish in our waters were becoming feminized. Scientists had studied these male fish and found how they had developed feminine characteristics, even to the point of producing eggs! Apparently this was due to the prevalence of the female hormone estrogen in our water supply.

Apparently, due to most government water filtration systems (including the US), estrogen passes unfiltered right into our taps, and straight into your belly when you drink that glass of water.

The estrogen is being absorbed by us and is resulting in modern man having low sperm counts, fertility problems and gynecomastia. Heck it might even be responsible for the boom in the male cosmetics industry (joke).

So I went out there, did some research and found some other shocking sources of estrogen that exist especially in the modern environment, but were also there in the past albeit in much lower quantities and not as widespread back in the day.

Why am I telling you all this?

Well I lost my man boobs in my mid-sixties. The only way I managed to succeed was after I armed myself with the facts, and all the information I needed to know about the very root cause of my gynecomastia.

If I could get rid of my gynecomastia in my sixties, then I know for a fact that anyone else can do it too. So if you're about to give up or you have given up and are ready to face the world as a pseudo-man, then I'm here to tell you to wake up! Get out of that trance, shake yourself up and inform yourself of real working tactics that have been proven time and time again to help many thousands of guys lose their man boobs permanently using all-natural methods.

And I can't think of a better person to help you than my good friend Robert Hull. I leave you to his very capable hands and I'm sure that you will learn much on his new blog.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Risk Of Heart Attack Doubles Following Mini-Stroke

Main Category: Stroke
Also Included In: Cardiovascular / Cardiology;��Seniors / Aging;��Men's health
Article Date: 25 Mar 2011 - 3:00 PDT email icon email to a friendprinter icon printer friendlywrite icon opinions

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Patients who have suffered a "mini stroke" are at twice the risk of heart attack than the general population, according to research reported in Stroke: Journal of the American Heart Association.

These mini-strokes, called transient-ischemic attacks, or TIAs, occur when a blood clot temporarily blocks a blood vessel to the brain. Although the symptoms are similar to a stroke, a TIA is shorter - usually lasting only minutes or a few hours - and does not cause long-term disability. A TIA, also called a "warning stroke," signals a high risk of a subsequent, larger stroke.

In this study, the risk of heart attack among TIA patients was about 1 percent per year, double that of people who had never had a TIA. This increased risk persisted for years and was highest among patients under age 60, who were 15 times more likely than non-TIA patients to have a heart attack.

"Physicians and other healthcare providers should be mindful of the increased risk for heart attack after TIA, just as they are about the increased occurrence of stroke," said Robert D. Brown Jr., M.D., M.P.H., principal investigator and chair of the neurology department at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. "In the same way that we evaluate the patient to determine the cause of TIA and implement strategies to reduce the occurrence of stroke after a TIA, we should step back and consider whether a stress test or some other screening study for coronary-artery disease should also be performed after a TIA, in an attempt to lessen the occurrence of heart attack."

In the study, the average length of time between a first TIA and a heart attack was five years. Researchers also found that TIA patients who later had a heart attack were three times more likely than those who did not have a heart attack to die during study follow-up.

Factors that independently increased the risk of heart attack after TIA included:

  • male gender;
  • older age; and
  • use of cholesterol-lowering medications (although patients using these drugs may have had more severe heart disease initially).
The study included 456 patients (average age 72, 43 percent men) diagnosed with a TIA between 1985 and 1994. Nearly two-thirds had high blood pressure, more than half smoked, and three-fourths were being treated with medication, such as aspirin, to prevent blood clots. Average follow-up was 10 years.

Investigators used a medical-records database (Rochester Epidemiology Project) to retrospectively identify TIA patients in Rochester, Minn. They then cross-referenced this information with data on heart attacks occurring within this patient group through 2006.

Most heart attacks are caused by coronary-artery disease, which occurs when a blood clot blocks blood and oxygen flow in a blood vessel leading to the heart. Although coronary-artery disease is the primary cause of death among TIA patients, according to the study, limited data exist on the incidence of heart attack after TIA.

"In fact, coronary-artery disease is an even greater cause of death after transient-ischemic attack than stroke is, surprising as that may be," Brown said. "We should use the TIA event not only to provide a warning sign that patients are at heightened risk of stroke, but are also at increased risk of heart attack, an event that will increase their risk of death after the TIA."

Co-authors are Joseph D. Burns, M.D.; Alejandro A. Rabinstein, M.D.; Veronique L. Roger, M.D., M.P.H.; Latha G. Stead, M.D.; Teresa J. H. Christianson, B.S.; and Jill M. Killian, B.S. Author disclosures are on the manuscript.

The Mayo Clinic funded the study. TIA and stroke warning signs are sudden:

  • Numbness or weakness of the face, arm or leg, often on only one side of the body
  • Confusion and trouble speaking or understanding others
  • Difficulty seeing
  • Trouble walking, feelings of dizziness and loss of balance or coordination
  • Severe headache of unknown cause
The presence of any of these signs warrants a call to 9-1-1 for immediate medical attention.

Bridgette McNeill
American Heart Association

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