How I Overcame My 50-Year Struggle With Gynecomastia

Before we get started, here's a little story from one of my clients, Sammie Fields.
Hey there I’m Sammie.

I’m in my 70s now and I’m finally enjoying my life as a masculine-looking guy. I struggled with gynecomastia ever since puberty. Back in the day it was totally unheard of for a man to have breasts.

Man boobs were quite a rare thing. If you think having man boobs is bad now, try having them in the 60s. I spent my entire life in fear that someone would notice my breasts. I stayed away from women - I was horrified of the bedroom. I also stayed away from the beach and only got out wearing the thickest of clothing to try and conceal myself.

Back then there was no internet, and no information out there to help me. I tried everything I could to try and get rid of my man boobs. I lost weight and tried different diets but all to no avail.

One day however, just a few years ago I came across a newspaper article.

This article complained of how male fish in our waters were becoming feminized. Scientists had studied these male fish and found how they had developed feminine characteristics, even to the point of producing eggs! Apparently this was due to the prevalence of the female hormone estrogen in our water supply.

Apparently, due to most government water filtration systems (including the US), estrogen passes unfiltered right into our taps, and straight into your belly when you drink that glass of water.

The estrogen is being absorbed by us and is resulting in modern man having low sperm counts, fertility problems and gynecomastia. Heck it might even be responsible for the boom in the male cosmetics industry (joke).

So I went out there, did some research and found some other shocking sources of estrogen that exist especially in the modern environment, but were also there in the past albeit in much lower quantities and not as widespread back in the day.

Why am I telling you all this?

Well I lost my man boobs in my mid-sixties. The only way I managed to succeed was after I armed myself with the facts, and all the information I needed to know about the very root cause of my gynecomastia.

If I could get rid of my gynecomastia in my sixties, then I know for a fact that anyone else can do it too. So if you're about to give up or you have given up and are ready to face the world as a pseudo-man, then I'm here to tell you to wake up! Get out of that trance, shake yourself up and inform yourself of real working tactics that have been proven time and time again to help many thousands of guys lose their man boobs permanently using all-natural methods.

And I can't think of a better person to help you than my good friend Robert Hull. I leave you to his very capable hands and I'm sure that you will learn much on his new blog.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Finger on the Pulse: Max Pemberton

'Stephan is a caring, popular and imaginative eight-year-old. He is a keen footballer and would love to learn to play his drum kit. He sometimes needs support to express his emotions. His brother, David, is a lively, affectionate and engaging six-year-old. He loves construction toys and is on the 'gifted and talented? list at school. They have a close bond and are meeting their developmental milestones.?

This reads like an advert because that?s precisely where it is taken from. Stephan and his brother are waiting to be adopted. The local authority, which is legally responsible for their care, is so desperate to find them a good family, it has taken to advertising for would-be adoptive parents on the internet. They are not alone. Every year more than 3,000 children are adopted in England. That means that every year thousands of adoptive parents must be found. Demand is relentless. Two thirds of these children are between the ages of one and four years old.

Yet despite this, Nadine Dorries, the Conservative MP for Mid-Bedfordshire who sits on the Health Select Committee, made the bizarre claim last week that ?adoption is just fading out?. She claimed that childless couples are being denied the opportunity to adopt because women who have unplanned pregnancies are being placed on a ?conveyor belt? towards abortion, as though women who have unwanted pregnancies can be turned into baby-making machines for the infertile, pumping out little bundles of joy, ready to be scooped up by a mother-to-be just as the cord is cut.

I was horrified to read her claims and I?m surprised at Mrs Dorries, not least because she is a former nurse and must have seen, as I have, children in care who desperately need the love and stability that adoption brings.

The truth is that childless couples are not being denied the opportunity to adopt, as she claims. It is true that there are more couples hoping to adopt babies than there are babies up for adoption. But the key word here is babies. Throughout fostering and care homes, there are thousands of children who are desperate to be adopted. There is a dearth of parents willing to accept older children, those with disabilities, or those with siblings. Indeed, Dorries claimed that only 400 babies were adopted last year as evidence of her 'conveyor belt?. In fact, from the figures I could find for England, the figures are lower than this ? around 70 babies were adopted last year.

There are more than enough children out there looking for people willing to adopt them. There is not a shred of evidence to suggest that abortion has contributed to fewer babies being put up for adoption. A far bigger factor, as the British Association of Adoption and Fostering pointed out when I spoke to them, is the change in social attitudes towards single mothers and improved financial support from the state.

I can?t help but wonder if Mrs Dorries is exploiting the emotive issue for many couples hoping to adopt babies to pursue her own agenda. In the past she has unsuccessfully campaigned to lower the legal time limit for abortion from 24 to 21 weeks. Now she is attempting to change the role pregnancy advisory clinics have in counselling pregnant women with regard to their options.

But in doing so, she undermines all the hard work put in by adoption agencies to encourage people to come forward as adoptive parents. To suggest that the rate of unwarranted babies should increase in order to satiate the demand strikes me as utterly crass.

This viewpoint also presents children as mere commodities. Adoption is not there to fulfil the need of an adult to become a parent. The sole consideration should be the welfare of the child. Adopting a child is an incredible act of grace and love. If people are only willing to adopt a cute, bouncy baby, then the motivations for them adopting should be carefully reviewed.

I agree that services should be improved for supporting women in making choices about whether to have a termination, including improving access to counselling and that this may well be best provided away from the actual facilities providing termination. But the issues surrounding adoption and termination should not be conflated. It helps no one, least of all the children like Stephan and David waiting to be adopted.


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